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FUBiS Term II: Creating a Solo Performance: Berlin Cabaret/Kabarett

(course # 2.02)

Credit Points6
Number of Places18


Student Profile

This course is open to students from all disciplines and levels, though it may appeal most to students of writing, literature, media, history and acting.

Course Description

This course is an acting course that introduces the student to the research, writing and performance techniques of cabaret performers.

Kabarett is the German word for "cabaret" but has two different meanings. The first meaning is the same as in English; describing a form of entertainment featuring comedy, song, dance, and theater (often the word "Cabaret" is used in German for this as well to distinguish this form). The latter describes a kind of political satire. Unlike comedians who make fun of all kind of things, Kabarett artists (German: Kabarettisten) pride themselves as dedicated almost completely to political and social topics of more serious nature which they criticize using techniques like cynicism, sarcasm and irony.

As Peter Jelavich stated in his book “Berlin Cabaret (Studies in Cultural History)” that every Metropolis tends to generate an urban mythology and Berlin is no exception. One of the more enduring Fables associated with that city is that it was hotbed for Cabaret.

Students will be seeking to assay that tale by examining Cabaret in Europe and specifically in Berlin from 1901-1944 while creating their own solo performance based on research of sources as such diaries, letters, memoirs, and autobiographies that relate Berlin Kabarett. Subjects can be figures such as Gisela May, Trude Hestberg, Anita Berber, Claire Waldoff, Erwin Piscator, Hugo Ball, Blandine Ebinger, Kurt Weill and are of particular interest to the student.

While studying and analyzing the techniques of a wide variety of cabaret performers through its inception, students will explore aspects of writing monologues and implementing those techniques with the ultimate goal of creating and performing their own material -sense of truth- with the courage necessary to stand-alone on stage.

There will be field trips to notable Cabaret/Kabarett shows and venues in the city, which will inspire us visually. In addition to history related readings assignments, the course will incorporate Lisa Appignanesi's "The Cabaret" book for an overall understanding of the forms of artistic cabaret which were to emerge as a meeting place for artists where performance or improvisation takes place among peers, and cabaret as an intimate, small-scale, but intellectually ambitious revue.

The class meets twice a week for three 90-minute segments each day.

The two segments of each class typically involve short lectures on historical and theatrical topics as well as seminar-style discussions of the assigned readings. Some class days devote time to in-depth acting exercises, analyzing the solo performance/cabaret vocabulary and technique. Some class days we will use the afternoon segment for film screenings, excursions to sites in the city or working on your final presentation.

In addition to the regular class meetings and excursions the Course Schedule includes a list of optional recommended cabaret shows, plays, theatrical performances.



Course Requirements

One Book "The Cabaret" by Lisa Appignanesi, and course reader will be provided to each student to cover all the required readings for this course. Please be prepared to discuss the readings in class. Active and enthusiastic participation is required.


  • 50% Participation on the class exercises, discussions, meeting deadlines, energy and creative growth, attendance
  •  25% Quizzes on reading and listening assignments
  •  25% Presentation of your Solo performance


The course schedule in the syllabus indicates discussion topics for each class meetings (morning, mid-day, and afternoon sessions) and required readings (marked **) to be completed before that class meeting day.