Prof. Dr. Volker Nitsch

Freie Universität Berlin
International Summer and Winter University
Volker Nitsch is professor of economics at Technische Universität Darmstadt, where he holds the chair of international economics.
Prior to taking this position in 2009, he was head of the international economics division at KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zürich, assistant professor of economics at Freie Universität Berlin and senior economist at Bankgesellschaft Berlin.
Mr. Nitsch has published widely on issues in international trade, international finance and economic geography. He has also been a consultant for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and a visiting scholar at the central banks of Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Namibia and New Zealand.
His current research addresses issues in economic integration, economic diplomacy, and central bank governance.
Mr. Nitsch holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and a MSc. in Economics from Freie Universität Berlin.
Current FUBiS courses:
- Urban Economics: Key Drivers of City Development (FUBiS Term III 2025)
2003 - 2009
Junior Professor of Economics (FU Berlin)
since 2009
Professor of Economics, Internationale Economics (TU Darmstadt)
- international trade: border effects; effects of currency unions; trade patterns
- trade duration; illicit trade; trade finance
- integration: regional trade agreements; institutional arrangements
- currency unions: effects on trade and prices; exits from and entry into currency unions
- exchange rate regimes: transitions into/from currency unions
- central banks: central bank governance
- empirical economic geography: path dependency; Zipf's law for cities
Research stays in Munich, Canada, Namibia, Dublin, New Zealand, Hong Kong
Member of a variety of research associations, including West Africa Insitute, Standing Field Committee in International Economics (German Economic Association), CESifo Munich, Urbancontext Institute of Regional and Urban Research
Research grants: Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, European Commission, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Tear down this wall: on the persistence of borders in trade. in: Canadian Journal of Economics, Feb. 2013 Vol.46., p.154.
The IOC's midas touch: Summer Olympics and city growth. (with N. Wendland) in: Urban Studies, 2017 Vol.54(4), p.971-983
On the design of public institutions: evidence from financial supervision. in: Ensayos sobre política económica, 2015 Vol.33(76), p. 53-60
Wearing corset, losing shape: The euro's effect on trade imbalances. (with H. Berger) in: Journal of Policy Modeling, 2014 Vol.36(1), p.136