Can I drop and add courses?
FUBiS is an intensive short-term study program and therefore there is no drop-add period. However, a course change is possible under the following circumstances:
- the maximum number of participants in the desired course has not been reached;
- the change has been approved by the instructors of both affected courses;
- the change has been approved by the Program Director.
We urgently recommend that you get in touch with your home university to clarify whether the study achievements in the other (new) course will be recognized.
The last chance for a course change is the second business day after the first official day of class in Term I and Term III. In Term II, it is the fourth business day after the first official day of class. No course changes will be approved after these deadlines.
For a course change after registration you will be charged a fee of 75€ per subject course.
If you would like to drop a course, please read the terms of cancellation.