Do I need to take a language test in order to participate in FUBiS?
FUBiS does not require any certificates of language proficiency like TOEFL or Test-DaF from the students.
For the subject courses held in German, your language proficiency level should correspond to the Intermediate 2 level or higher. Most subject courses are taught in English and require an Intermediate 2 or higher language proficiency level in English for successful completion.
FUBiS reserves the right to exclude participants from their subject course(s) when they do not meet the essential language requirements as stated in the syllabus and on the FUBiS website. The decision will be made in consultation with the instructors, the student and the FUBiS Program officials.
German language courses are generally offered at all levels, including for beginners without previous knowledge of German. Before the start of class, you will be placed in the optimal language level for you through the use of a multi-step assessment process (Also see: “How do I know which level is right for me?”).