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Nerges Azizi

Nerges Azizi

Freie Universität Berlin

International Summer and Winter University



Nerges Azizi (she/her) is currently completing her PhD in Law at Birkbeck, University of London in the UK. Her research is situated in the field of critical migration studies, exploring the intersections between racism, the law, and border violence in the Mediterranean. She has previously taught seminars on refugee and human rights law, contemporary struggles against European border violence, as well as on abolitionism at Freie Universität Berlin and at Philipps-Universität Marburg. Nerges' research has been supported by grants from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and from Birkbeck, University of London, among others.

Current FUBiS courses:

2021-2024 PhD in Law at Birkbeck, University of London

2020-2021 MPhil in Law at Birkbeck, University of London

2018-2019 MSc in Human Rights, London School of Economics and Political Science (Distinction)

2014-2018 Double BA in Political and Social Sciences at Sciences Po Paris and Freie Universität Berlin (1,0 / Summa Cum Laude)

Winter 2023/24 Critical Perspectives on Refugee and Human Rights Law
Postgraduate, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philipps Universität Marburg

Winter 2023/24 Contemporary Struggles against European Border Violence
Undergraduate and Postgraduate, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philipps Universität Marburg

Spring 2023 Law, State Violence and Abolitionist Futures
Undergraduate and Postgraduate, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philipps Universität Marburg

Winter 2022/23 Race, Law and Imagination, together with Anna Rahel Fischer
Undergraduate, Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin

Her research interests include critical migration studies, political geography, critical race theory, abolitionism, third world approaches to international law, feminism.


14/11/2023 The Role of Families, Love and Kinship in Border Justice Contestations
Europe in Margins Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland  

23/09/2023 The Role of Families, Love and Kinship in Border Justice Contestations
Border Violence Symposium, Aegean University, Lesvos, Greece

18/07/2023 The Role of Families, Love and Kinship in Border Justice Contestations
Problematizing Migration Conference, University of Palermo, Italy

06/06/2023 Race, Law and the Repression of Movement across Space
Law and Society Association Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico

07/10/2022 Race, Law and Border Violence
UBEL Student Conference in London, UK

30/09/2022 Scales of Representation in Legal Interventions against European Border Violence
Fluchtforschungskonferenz in Jena, Germany

13/07/2022 Legal Interventions against European Border Violence
Law and Society Association Conference in Lisbon, Portugal

27/05/2022 Legal Interventions against European Border Violence
PGR Conference at Birkbeck, University of London, UK

26/05/2022 Racialisation in the context of Legal interventions against European Border Violence
Contemporary Processes of Racialisation, Seminar Series, Birkbeck Department of History, London

26/04/2022 Legal Interventions against European Border Violence
UCL, Bloomsbury and East London DTP’s Seminar Series, London, UK

24/02/2022 (Un)Recht an der Europäischen Außengrenze together with Vera Wriedt and Nassim Madjidian
Migration Law Moot. Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany

31/10/2021 Pushbacks: Jurisprudence, Critique and Transformation with Vera Wriedt
KritJur Konferenz in Hamburg, Deutschland

Azizi, Nerges (2023): Nach der Wut kommt die Asche. Analyse & Kritik. https://www.akweb.de/bewegung/frankreich-riots-polizeigewalt-autoritaerer-staat-wut-trauer/

Azizi, Nerges; Jawabreh, Simin (2022): Erst war es die Natur, dann auch der Mensch. Analyse & Kritik. https://www.akweb.de/politik/erst-war-es-die-natur-dann-auch-der-mensch/

Azizi, Nerges (2021): Recht reicht nicht: Von der Unterscheidung zwischen ‚verdienenden‘ und ‚nicht-verdienenden‘ Migrant*innen. Verfassungsblog. https://verfassungsblog.de/recht-reicht-nicht/. DOI: 10.17176/20210827-233141-0

Azizi, Nerges, Atal, Mohjib Rahman; Salomon, Stefan (2021): Warum schutzbedürftige Afghaninnen einen Rechtsanspruch auf ein Einreisevisum gegenüber Deutschland haben. Verfassungsblog.https://verfassungsblog.de/warum-schutzbeduerftige-afghaninnen-einen-rechtsanspruch-auf-ein-einreisevisum-gegenueber-deutschland-haben/. DOI: 10.17176/20210822-112735-0

Azizi, Nerges (2021): Von der Verbannung zum Kampf gegen den Separatismus. Analyse & Kritik. https://www.akweb.de/politik/frankreich-antimuslimisch-rassismus-macron-le-pen/

Azizi, Nerges; Jawabreh, Simin (2021): Von Mora Bis Haiti. Analyse & Kritik. https://www.akweb.de/bewegung/lager-feuer-brand-widerstand-gefluechtete/

Azizi, Nerges (2021): Azadeh bedeutet Freiheit. Notausgang: Mapping the Journey of Spaces. Journal by Baerenzwinger Berlin.

Azizi, Nerges (2020): Tagungsbericht. Ressourcen der Rechtskritik. https://www.theorieblog.de/index.php/2020/10/tagungsbericht-ressourcen-der-rechtskritik-methodische-reflexion-und-kritische-praxis/

Azizi, Nerges (2020): Starting a PhD Journey. Birkbeck Graduate Research School Blog. http://blogs.bbk.ac.uk/bgrs/2021/01/29/resisting-the-european-border-regime-the-role-of-strategic-human-rights-litigation/

Azizi, Nerges; Schmalz, Dana (2018): Advertising against Asylum. Thoughts about the ‘Rumours about Germany’ Campaign Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. https://www.mmg.mpg.de/27451/blog-azizi-schmalz-advertizing

Azizi, Nerges; Schmalz, Dana (2018): Werben gegen Asyl. Gedanken zur ‚Rumours about Germany‘ Kampagne. Fluchtforschungsblog. https://fluchtforschung.net/werben-gegen-asyl/